Monday, June 22, 2009


True friends will go to your house to eat all of your food.
Fake friends would ask to come over and not even touch your pantry.

True friends would call you at 10:30 at night about something stupid.
Fake friends wouldnt call you past 8:00.

Fake friends would gossip about the girl that gossiped about you
true friends would find the girl, punch her, and get suspended for it.

Fake friends would borrow something of yours and give it back right away
True friends would borrow something of yours and keep it so long they forgot to give it back



Bailey said...

ok i am not scared of that video and your hair does not smell like butts!!!! and did you really not take a shower in 5 days? i also love the music you have on here, most people just have pics and no music and it gets boring!!!!! well i love your blog!!!! from Bailey

Bailey said...

i love your playlist!!!!!!!!!!

Bailey said...

you are a great friend!!! i am mad at katie- mrs munsils daughter because you are bragging about your blog!!!! i think it si rude, dont you????

Bailey said...

well i ment to say in that last comment that she is jealas of you that is so dumb!!!

Bailey said...

when do you update your site????

Bailey said...

omg im like so bored of everything.

Sara Mango said...

haha no way I take a shower like atleast once a day...... Maybe...