Saturday, September 26, 2009

Quotes, sayings, things i like:]]

*If I cant hear yurr heartbeat yurr too far 'way*

*What goes around comes around*

*Life beats you up so you can stand back up & say you lived thru it*

*Sometimes we put walls up not to keep people away, but to see who cares enuff to break them down*

*If a bomb blew up every time somone critisized something, the world would be destroyed*

*Mouths breathe, Scabs bleed, & hearts break*

Dino's went extinct because when Barney was born, they all commited suiside.

Barack Obama's annitials are B.O.(love this one)

If Mickey Mouse was real, all the other mice wudd be jealous of his spicyness

Santa Claus shudd lay off the cookies... He shudd eat the reindeer's carrots instead

If a puppy and a crab got married and had babies, they wudd be cruppys.=)

Muffins are just ugly cupcakes

After you eat a donut, nothing will taste any yummyier.

Elephants play drums, birds play flutes, frogs play clarinets???



the drama, friends, and funny things said...

i luv those sayings!! my favorite one is the b.o. barack obamas initials. body odor lol.
i thought i told you that. jade